Today, Connor our 5 year old, had surgery to remove a dermoid cyst that was located on the back of his skull. He has had it since birth but it appears to have started growing in the last couple of months. Thanks for the pro-active thinking of our pediatrician, Dr. Martin, she sent us to ACH general surgery clinic last week. Dr. Jackson thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and remove it. So it was done today.
Connor is just the cutest, sweetest boy. He was very brave. He kept asking for dad. Skip was able to get there a little before surgery which was wonderful. He is daddy's boy. God is so good to us. My sister, Lynn, works at ACH, so she came by and saw us. She knew the anethestialogist (no idea of how to spell that) and was able to walk back with him to the OR room. Which gave us great comfort. He has already had the "joy juice" to relax him and he pretty much was. He was slurring his words and giggling. It was cute. Wonderful, Pastor Todd came by and read to us from Psalms about how God takes care of His sheep so tenderly. Perfect for me, Skip and our little one to hear. Prayed the sweetest prayer and we got to visit for a while. It is always great to spend time with Todd no matter what the reason or event. :) Nonie came by with an Elmo balloon which was also a hit in addition to having Nonie there too.
Anyway, he woke up fine except for the "ouchy" in his hand which was the IV. He complained more about that then the incision on the back of his head. :)
So now he is outside playing with friends and is fine.
What a blessing to live in a country where we have these wonderfully skilled people to care and treat our children and wonderful friends and family to be with us and pray with and for us.
Thanks again for all who prayed.